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More Guard Passing

Class #4 - Made it through the warm-up with only having to stop once for about 30 sec to catch my breath, then went right back in and stuck with it till we were done.

Tonight we did passing drills :

1 - barrel - push both legs down to the ground while passing behind
2 - tripod - keep one hand on their waist and sprawl out, moving around them (pivoting on the arm). Keep the feet wide and out.
3 - push/pull - give a good pull on the leg while moving in. Outside leg goes up against their hip while passing

If I'm feeling good on Wed I'll go try out the MT class. Trying my best to not overdo it and get an injury as I'm prone to do.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 26, 2007 5:23 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Locked in for 3mo.

The next post in this blog is Run Money Run.

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