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Locked in for 3mo

Tonight was better. The warmup was a little bit lighter so I wasn't totally spent. After a short rest I got to do some rolling with several classmates. The guy I rolled with my first night said I had improved a lot in my relaxing, that I wasn't all tense and wasting energy like before.

Still taking it a bit easy, trying to find out what my limits are.

I think I need a lot of work on my guard. I find it very hard to break out of someone elses, but they all seem to get out of mine at will.

I signed a 3mo contract and told coach I was interested in the Muay Thai class as well. He told me it'd be a good way to build up my base conditioning for the jits. The only thing that concerns me is that it's right before my Kendo class, and I can't be coming in to that already worn out.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 19, 2007 9:42 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Passing the Guard.

The next post in this blog is More Guard Passing.

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