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Saturday Fun

Did mostly light rolling, which I need more practice at. My flow is pretty shitty.

Escape from Guillotine
* From knees & elbows, lift up right leg onto ball of foot
* Kick left foot out through the opening created
* Bring head up under their armpit
* Come around onto their back

Armbar from Mount
* Hold their arms crossed in front of them
* Catch the lower arm with near arm using a reaching for hip motion
* Use other arm to post behind their legs/ass, keeping them from moving
* Bring leg over and finish

Triangle from Mount
* Get one leg under their neck by bring leg straight across them
* Pull foot and get other leg around it
* Rotate and complete the choke

Yeah, all this "From Mount" stuff would probably be more useful if I wasn't the one getting mounted all the time. Seems like all I've been doing is ground defense and wearing myself out trying escapes.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 28, 2007 3:12 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Pad Work.

The next post in this blog is Stop Hitting Yourself.

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