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Big Toe Strength

Worked on escapes from mount, this brings the total that I know up to 4 :

roll into guard
* use a leg to tie up one of their legs
* tie up their arm on the same side by grabbing my hip
* bridge and roll

roll into guard (variation)
* use a leg to tie up one of their legs
* trap arm by holding on to their bicep
* use other arm to hold on to their hip
* bridge and roll

hook and slip

* if they're high up on chest
* slip a arm hook under their leg
* shoot out underneath them

* roll to side
* both arms pushing on their knee to escape

bridge & post
* upa
* leave arms braced after dropping hips to create space
* move 1 or 2 knees into open space

new term - upa : A bridging movement where you lie on your back and lift your hips off of the ground. Used in the basic bridge-and-roll mount escape.

Coach said I have that "big toe strength" and that once I know what I'm doing I could be dangerous. I wonder if it's just because they underestimate what my actual weight is? I almost caught a classmate in a triangle twice, but both times he was able to escape. Another classmate who was watching said I need to grab the head and pull down to keep him from getting out.


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