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Crazy Monkey!

Open gym. Jumped rope for about 10 minutes, need to figure out how to do it correctly. I never feel as much like a newb as when I trip on a jump rope 5 times in a row.

Did a bit of bag work & shadow boxing, then worked mitts with a classmate. Started with some building blocks, basic movement drills with jab/cross, then up to a jab/cross/hook/uppercut. Partner wanted to do some defensive drills so I got to punch on him for a while. I returned the favor and he showed me the basics of crazy monkey. After taking a break, I did some light sparring with another classmate and one of our seniors class members came over and broke it down for me.

Crazy Monkey
* Hands stay in contact with the head
* Move hand up across scalp, like you're wiping the sweat off
* Use both arms, not just one
* Stay centered, should be able to see opponent's chest at all times

Other things to remember
* Knees bent
* Hands up
* Chin down
* Stay low


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 19, 2007 7:14 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Do Do Doh!.

The next post in this blog is Get Up Offa Me.

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