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Throwing Elbows

Did some punching mit drills, as well as some knees and elbows.

* Lean a bit back when thrown
* Put hips into it

* Regular, Overhand or Undercut
* Hands open and facing outward, keep one hand at head while other throws elbow
* Put hips into it
* Hit with point of elbow
* On regular elbow, keep it horizontal

Had several guys come in the door during class. One brought his girlfriend and said he wanted to be a "MMA Fighter", he smelled like he smoked a pack before he walked in the door. The other guy said he'd been looking for the gym for 3 years. A friend of mine told me this is the time of year when we get a lot of short-timers who only last a couple weeks.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 23, 2007 8:53 PM.

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