Had a new guy start the class, young, around my size. I got to roll with him in warm-up and it was really interesting to see what it's like from the other side, seeing how I went through the same experience a few months ago. He tried to muscle through everything and I let him just carry me around and waited for an opening, when I'd flip him and get mount.
After warm-up, we worked on some mount escapes.
* If they're high up into my armpits
* Put hands on their hips
* Use legs and shoulders to push myself up
* Arms brace rather than push
* Upa
* Get underhook
* Before they can settle back down, use arm to slip out the back
- go up on shoulder and use hook to pull yourself out
* Keep arm over opposite leg so they can't triangle
* Work up their back
After drilling a while, we did some rolling from mount. I think I did okay. Tried to get a triangle but he got out, and while fighting to hold on to it I felt a burning sensation down in the groin. At first I thought it was his elbow, I then realized that I was about to pull the damn thing again and tapped. That's what I get for not stretching before class (I was late).
In open rolling... I GOT A FUCKING TRIANGLE. Finally. Of course, she's about 30lbs lighter than me but I was finally able to lock the damn thing down. Almost got an armbar (transitioned from a triangle) on another classmate later on, he said it was a good transition and told a friend of mine that he'd have to pay more attention with me in the future. :)