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Hold the Back

Took it easy trying to feel out the condition of my rib. Had a little pain but I think it's just about healed. However, it's amazing what 2 weeks out will do to a body, going to be sore as all hell for the next couple days.

I paired with a classmate who wanted to work on her back defense, so she turtled and I got on top of her and let her try to dislodge me. We didn't watch the clock but I think we rolled for a good 10 minutes before she decided to stop. I wasn't able to really get a good choke in, but she was never able to get me off her back either. She told me that she normally has no problem getting someone off her back but smaller guys are a lot harder to remove. Apparently we leave a lot less open space to move around in.

This being the case, I need to work on some transitions to back to see how it improves my game. When she was able to get one of my hooks out, I went to a body triangle which seemed to work pretty well. Several times she tried to dislodge it with her hand which gave me an opening on her neck.

At the end of class, coach gave us a little talk.

* He does not teach just jiu-jitsu, he teaches ground as an overall part of a fight game
* If your opponent wants something, deny him it - if he pulls, you push
- Once he responds to this, use it to your advantage to put him where you want him
* Take the path of least resistance
- Don't just sit and wait for him to come in again
- Don't be afraid to stand up


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 28, 2007 4:53 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Easy as 1-2-3.

The next post in this blog is Get Back On It.

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