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Side to Side

We worked on several moves from cross body. I was grouped up with two other people, which worked out well because we were able to roll every round instead of every other and got a bit of extra work in.

Kesa Gatami 1
* One arm under far shoulder
* Pull on arm to get leg underneath near shoulder

Kesa Gatami 2
* One arm under far shoulder
* Slide leg underneath near shoulder

Pass to Mount
* Turn towards their legs
* Slide ass into their armpit
* Put arm on far leg, with elbow on near leg to prevent knee to face
* Knee on stomach
* Pass to mount

Things to Remember
* Don't sit up, weight should be on them
* Legs should be splayed out in order to prevent a sweep, sort of like a h

On Passing a Closed Guard
* Have to control hips or they can push away to keep you from flattening them


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 2, 2007 9:36 PM.

The previous post in this blog was No Passing Zone.

The next post in this blog is Points for Showing Up.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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