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No Passing Zone

Rolled with a newer classmate who's around my size. Tried to help him out a bit since he was still really stiff and wasted a lot of energy just holding on to me. Had another classmate help me out on preventing some guard passes that I've been having trouble with lately. He also gave me some tips on tightening up my triangle.

Preventing the one-leg pass 1
* Go for triangle!

Preventing one-leg pass 2
* If the triangle is a no-go
* Push with leg they attempt to go under
* Straighten hips
* Recompose guard

Preventing two-leg pass
* Have to stop it early
* Push with legs to prevent stacking
* If they get you stacked, it's too late

Closing the triangle
* If I can't get ankle into the crook of knee
* Grab calf with free hand
* Push them back with far leg while holding the hooked leg
* Once it's into crook of knee grab head and pull down, tighten legs, it's over


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 30, 2007 9:51 PM.

The previous post in this blog was It's All in the Hip.

The next post in this blog is Side to Side.

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