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Guard Submissions

Coach showed us some basics of controlling from the guard and transitioning into a submission and had us drill it.

Basics of Control
* Control their head
- Hand on back of head, not neck
* Control an arm
- Have a wrist or elbow controlled, elbow is better

Armbar 1
* My outside arm holding their outside arm
* Opposite arm holding their head
* Leg on same side of held arm posts on their hip
* Rotate and throw free leg high across their upper back
* Hand holding head pushes it down
* Posted leg comes up and over head
* Legs do not cross, toe points down

Armbar 2
* My outside arm holding their opposite arm
* Other arm holding their head
* Leg on same side of held arm posts on their hip
* Rotate and throw free leg high across their upper back
* Hand holding head slides around to other side and pushes it down
* Posted leg comes up and over head
* Legs do not cross, toe points down


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 15, 2007 5:17 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Right-o Left-o.

The next post in this blog is Passing Game.

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