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Lead With the Waist

Today's class was a little different than normal. After skipping, coach had us pair up and drill without gloves. This is the first time I've actually tried to hit someone with a bare fist, so it was a new thing for me. He had us do jab, cross, hook & uppercut (both sides).

We then worked on some clinching & pummeling, moving into a body lock.

Pummeling - The process of attempting to advance into more dominant clinch positions.

Drill 1 - Lead Side
* One hand on head, other on arm
* If they slide back, rotate hand on their arm inwards to grab back
* Rotate hand on head inwards to grab back
* Gable grip behind back
* At the same time, lower body and lift in a relaxed arc
* Head goes to lead side

Drill 2 - Rear Side
* One hand on head, other on arm
* If they step back, rotate hand on their arm inwards to grab back
* Rotate hand on head inwards to grab back
* Gable grip behind back
* At the same time, lower body and lift in a relaxed arc
* Head goes to rear side

Drill 3 - Jab Defense
* When opponent comes in for a jab
* Bat it away like we do in offensive drills
* Continue movement to bring hand inside his jabbing arm
* Change level and move in
* Cover your damn face and try to avoid a cross (got to be fast to pull this off)


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 7, 2007 8:48 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Pummeling.

The next post in this blog is Lift and Sweep.

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