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Flying Blind

We learned how to do a basic armbar from mount, which strangely enough I've never learned before (though I was able to pull it off one time on a newbie).

Armbar from Mount
* Start by going for an Americana
* If they fight it by pulling in the elbow, go with the motion and wrap their arm across their neck
* Get arm behind their neck to grab their wrist and hold their arm in position
* Take other arm and loop it through the crook of their elbow
* Release arm under their neck and bring foot across their head, up against their ear/jaw
* Pivot and fall back
* Foot by head should be pushing out
* Foot by side should be pulling in

After drilling, we did some free rolling and I was feeling pretty good. I rolled with one of the more experienced students that usually dominates me and I was able to surprise her with a guard pass into side control, kept her in side and finally moved to her back right as the timer ran out. What seemed to make a big difference was closing my eyes. Because my eyes were closed, I was able to concentrate more on feeling her body and I was able to tell when she was going to try an escape. I also kept the pressure on her by making her repeatedly defend Americanas.


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