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Elite Cardio?!

So I signed up at a fitness gym, and part of the deal is that you get blood work and a physical evaluation as well as assistance with a workout plan.

Had my evaluation and got a copy of my blood work results.

GLUCOSE : 85 [70-105]

TRIGLYCERIDE : 77 [<150]
CHOLESTEROL : 165 [<200]
LDL CALCULATED : 94 [<100]

Weight : 126lbs
Height : 5'7 1/2"

Situps (on a timer) : did max (75)
Pushups (in a minute) : 35 in 45 seconds and then arms gave out

Cardio : did 5 min on bike with a heart rate around 141 - it listed me with a score of 52(?) and ELITE. I mean, wtf. I know my cardio has improved a bit, but I'd hardly call it that good.

I go back next Tuesday to review all the information and come up with a workout plan.


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