Drilled the Kesa Gatame escapes that we learned on Monday. Started out just doing them one at a time, but then moved on to using whichever worked. It was really interesting to see how it worked out, since if my partner tried specifically to defend against one of the escapes he opened himself up for another.
Coach also discussed the importance of going slow on technique and giving your partner the opportunity to escape. By allowing them to fight their way out, you strengthen both your ability to lock it in on a resisting opponent and their knowledge of escaping. He also showed us the difference between sport jiu-jitsu and what he referred to as the old-school "hooking" , which was more street or mma oriented (leading right into strikes, head cranks, etc).
Devil's in the Details
* To tighten up a kesa gatame
* Take hand that goes under their head and latch it on to your own thigh, just below knee
* Keep tight pressure on them, restricting their head movement
* This controls their upper body and can really lock them down