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Halfway to Back

Coach had us drill a half-guard to back escape that was pretty cool, and then we did some open guard stuff.

Apparently I missed the basics the past couple weeks, but he said we'll be covering it some more in class next week so I'll hopefully be able to catch up.

Half-Guard to Back
* If they don't have an underhook on the side you've got locked
* Bump their arm over your head
* Press head into their chest
* Shrimp out
* Grab across their back to get their trap.
* Work for back or

Roll to Mount
* With one hook in and grip on their trap.
* Roll away, bringing them with me
* As they land on their back, slide into mount


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 16, 2008 3:08 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Back In It.

The next post in this blog is Trip and Roll.

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