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Trip and Roll

First class was pretty small, so we just learned some new take downs. Finished up the class drilling the triangle and armbar from guard. I need to make sure to get good rotation on my triangle, I should be looking at their ear when I lock it in.

Trip and Roll
* Shoot
* Pivot
* Come up on their back
* Leg behind them goes out straight in tripping motion
* Foot on other leg goes against their foot
* "Sit down" on back leg, rolling over towards them when balance goes

Hook and Push
* Shoot
* Hook outside their outside leg with your outside leg
* Wrap arms around their waist
* Push forward with opposite shoulder, in a twisting motion with arms


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 18, 2008 9:26 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Halfway to Back.

The next post in this blog is Back At It.

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