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Coach said that most everyone is at a level now that he wants to back off and let us work more on developing our own game, so we're going to be doing a lot more sparring and less drilling.

We paired up, started out at 30% and slowly ramped it up to 50, 75 and 80%. My partner is a lot better at stand up than me, so I focused on trying to control the flow, minimizing damage and footwork. My footwork needs a lot of work, I tend to lose it when I'm working a combo on a moving opponent.

We also did some mit drills where we'd slip a jab, and return with either a jab or cross.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 30, 2008 9:15 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Back At It.

The next post in this blog is Take Downs & Armbars.

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