Coach said since summer is upon us, we're going to have lots of new folks coming in to train, so he's going to start pushing us harder to get in better shape and to work hard on our game.
After warm-up we drilled some cross body escapes. Next we broke up into 3 groups with one person holding a large pad, and we worked on take downs, specifically putting some power behind them. Next we broke back up into pairs and worked the armbar from cross-body.
Armbar from Cross-Body
* If their arm comes up behind their head
* Trap the arm with head-side arm
* Move other arm down to block their hips
* Sprawl and pivot over to a north-south
* Use a punching motion with trapping arm to roll them on side while going to a combat base on top of their head
* Go for Keylock or...
* Pivot over to side and drop into armbar, keeping leg under their back to really have it tight
* Leg over head should be pulling in to keep them in place
- if they try and roll out-
1 - block leg with free arm or...
2 - hook leg with free arm
At the end of class I drilled some more with a new guy, and then did some light rolling with him. While I felt like I was positionally dominant the entire time, I didn't feel like I had the amount of control I would like to have, probably because I was working a top-game which I don't get the oopportunity to do very often.
I think I need to do a lot more light rolling to get more comfortable with mobility.