Worked on some fun chokes/takedowns from clinch.
The Intro
* Need to be going back or sideways for this to work, otherwise it is hard to move the arm out of the way
* With right hand on their head, left hand on their right tricep
* Bump their right elbow up
* Go under the arm while bringing my right around their neck
Leads to...
Stand-up Choke, left side
* Head presses against their right shoulder
* Bring my right knee in behind their right knee
* Slide in left arm and finish choke
Stand-up to rear hold
* Bring left arm around and grasp left wrist in right hand
* Pivot behind them while pulling arm through
* My grip should be up near their right armpit
which leads to...
Rear hold take down
* Bump their hips to get them off their center of balance
* Bring them down to the back or the side
which can finish with...
Armbar from Takedown
* Right shin up against their kidney - keep foot in if they move
* Right arm leaves grip and grabs back of my own head
* Left arm moves to front of their head (blade of fore-arm against cheek) to straighten them out
* Replace left arm with left leg - sit on their head
* Fall back into armbar