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April 2008 Archives

Saturday April 5, 2008

Back At It

Started back at the gym after over a month off. Just did some stretching & ropes, then mittwork. Stuck to basics like jab & jab/cross and focused on my footwork.

Tips from coach
* On my jab, the punch should hit before or as my lead foot hits the ground, not after
* Same with cross

Wednesday April 30, 2008


Coach said that most everyone is at a level now that he wants to back off and let us work more on developing our own game, so we're going to be doing a lot more sparring and less drilling.

We paired up, started out at 30% and slowly ramped it up to 50, 75 and 80%. My partner is a lot better at stand up than me, so I focused on trying to control the flow, minimizing damage and footwork. My footwork needs a lot of work, I tend to lose it when I'm working a combo on a moving opponent.

We also did some mit drills where we'd slip a jab, and return with either a jab or cross.

About April 2008

This page contains all entries posted to Larptastic in April 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.

February 2008 is the previous archive.

May 2008 is the next archive.

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